Passionate readers


Monday 26 November 2012

GiveAway Contest Gila Buasir Otak: Entry Kegemaran

Hi untuk semua, aku sedang mencuba untuk melibatkan diri dalam pertandingan anjuran yang bertajuk "Entry Kegemaran". Berminat untuk turut serta? Sila klik sini.

Setelah meneliti setiap genap dan ceruk buasir di otak aku setelah mengikuti blog ini aku rasa entri ini yang paling kreatif dan ohsem yang aku jumpa kt blog buasir otak ini. 

Aku pun main random pick je, tak nak la POYO sangat kan. Sikit-sikit sudeh. Ternyata kajian dan penilaian terhadap pemikiran masyarakat yang diterapkan untuk mencari keusulan  perkataan POYO yang menjengkelkan itu mecipta hormon logik dari dalam otak aku yang menghadam setiap abjad entri tersebut. 

Entri tersebut juga memberi sedikit pencerahan terhadap diri aku untuk tidak sesuka hati mengatakan seseorang itu poyo. Akhir kata, entri tersebut membuatkan diri aku tidak lagi seperti semalam.


p/s: Sebenarnya bukan entri yang buat aku tinjau blog ini, tapi nama buasirotak itu sendiri yang buat aku "HUH!?"

Tuesday 20 November 2012

TECHNO: PLAYSTATION 4 and XBOX 720 forecast 2013

Its now month of November folks and we already looks forward for next year, 2013. Its barely last month that Sony released their Playstation 3 Superslim and now they are eager to unveil the Playstation 4! 


What!?? Oready releasing the PS FuuuuuuFuuuuuFuuuuooouuurrr!!!

Monday 19 November 2012

NUTGEO : Polar Bear Cub lives in an Apartment

Cats is Malaysia's favourite animal pets. Dogs and iguana lizard comes after that. Sugar glider is seasonal and same as Gecko that bring wave of everybody want to be an animal lover suddenly. it normal in Malaysia that everything is seasonal. Ones can easily see the pattern if they thinks hard enough. Seldom Malaysian sees bear were treat as pet at home compared to this but hey, Malaysia Boleh what!?? 

This polar bear was adopted by people soon after its mother was killed. Those picture were the time the polar bear was taken care by human. presently, the bear is located at the Moscow Zoo maybe because the polar bear eat all his master fish fillet?

Thursday 15 November 2012

HEALTH: Susu kambing dan kelebihannya dalam kehidupan kita.

Selalunya, apabila menyebut susu, kita sering membayangkan susu lembu. Walhal susu kambing lebih tinggi manfaatnya dan khasiat jika dibandingkan dengan susu lembu. Dari segi proses penghadaman, susu kambing lebih mudah dihadamkan kerana molekul lemaknya yang lebih kecil.

Susu sumber khasiat umum manusia.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

TECHNO: Samsung S4 and IPhone 6 will be released next year!

Mobile handphone and better yet smartphone have become the main drive in the handheld device these days. It have become a phenomenon when everyone are eager to get the most latest and up to date technologies in their hand or fingers. The power of fingers can move a nation!

The most popular handheld peripherals now is Samsung S3 and IPhone 5 but those things were YESTERDAY! 

There have been a ruckus and rumors where as the Samsung S4 and IPhone 6  will be launched as earlier as Ferbuary 2013! Yes, first thing you should get for next year cart is these two things. Since the rise of touch screen handheld Apple and Samsung had become bitter rivals with neither leaving any opportunity to up the ante on the other. 

The possible design of the Samsung S4.

Friday 2 November 2012

AUTOCARE: AUTOSPA TOUCH UP PAINT, Cover your scratches mark immediately after they give you the right color code!

Recently went to TESCO BUKIT INDAH. I was browsing for my toiletories. My favourite segment of a shopping complex are the car accersories, hardware, and electronic products segments. When I was in those segment Miss Yana will make the most prettiest and beautiful troll face!! 

Its had become my habit to wonder at those segment for hours. I enjoyed seeing all the items nicely places on the shelves. It mesmerize me sometimes. I will go look and understand all the product displayed and that include reading the instructions and ingredient of course!! Brand is my second choices as I tend to go for its functionality and a bit of quality.

Thursday 1 November 2012


The BR1M 2.0 form.
The application form and online registration for the BR1M is open today.